
Showing posts from June, 2021


Spooksville is having 15 series of books, I read the last one named ' Invasion of the No - ones This book is about the ball of light, it seemed harmless at first, but later when it zapped to Adam the creature took over his body. Adam was kind before the ball of light zapped him. Worse thing was, the ball of light were slowly moving to the town nothing can stop them. It started making all humans into a strange alien creature.  Tira Jones had a long black hair, her eyes were blue, she was short, she was a cutey. She beacame immortal after the ball of light zapped her. Christopher Pike (author) Christopher Pike was b orn in November 12, 1955. H e  is an Amarican author .

The story of Bonnie Prince Charlie

It is a small book that I read in within 1hour. A mother who encouraged his son Charlie to regain the throne of Scotaland. He didn't win the battle but had been so near to success. He has been remembered in Scotland for his bold attempt to win the throne still he lives on. This book has wonderful drawing so you can imagine the people, the way they dressed 250 years ago. It is texted by David Ross and illustrated Jane Taylor. This book is well bound(in UAE).

Bible stories

The greatest book in the world is Bible. In it, there are hundred of stories you should know. Great stories you want to read again and again and will never forget. In this book there 9 stories. The Bible is in 2 parts. They are Old testament and New testament. Following are the 4 stories taken from Old testament: 1. The Noah's first Ark 2. The  Baby in the Bulrushes 3. Daniel in the Lion's den 4. David and the Gaint And 5 stories  are from New testament 1. The night the Angels came 2. When Jesus was a child 3. Satan comes to Jesus 4. Jesus begins his work 5. A little boy who was ill This book is written by my favorite author Enyd Blyton. It has beautiful illustrations from Liz Pichon.

Folktale of India

These are the folkales from India. There are 15 stories in it. I like 'Mouse-Maiden' and 'The Bed'.

Stories of Vikram & Betal

Hundreds of years ago, Vikram was a king and he was brave and noble king. His kingdom was near Godavari banks. The capital city was Ujjain.  Betal is a evil spirit. Betal would tell story and Vikram should answer. If Vikram would not utter a word, his head would burst into thousand pieces. If he tells the answer, the Betal would go back to the peepul tree. This happened 16 times. But Vikram did not lose patience. At the last story, Betal returned to the hermit. Soon, the hermit chopped off Betal's head. Vikram chopped off the hermits head with the sword. The evil spirit now turned to a handsome Prince


On Max's birthday, he and his friends saw a secret room, in that , they saw a magic mirror. It makes us invisible. They played "Now you see him, now you don't" till it became danger.                                                                                                                                                                                                                             - R.L Stine

Stories from The Bhagavatham

The stories are about Lord Krishna. You will find all your favorite stories like Prahhlada, Dhruva etc. You can read online:

Dork dairies Puppy love

Nikki and Brandon had a fight with Mackenzie at the Cupcake shop.Then, they saw Holly and her pups .                                                             You can read online:                                                           -  Rachel Renée Russell     ❤